The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Northern Beat: A New Music Showcase
Thursday October 4, 2018
The Consulate General of Canada in New York partnered with the Metropolitan Museum of Art, FACTOR, Manitoba Music and Mondo.NYC to present a major showcase of contemporary Canadian Indigenous musical acts in the Met’s Grace Rainey Rogers Auditorium. The concert launched a landmark exhibition at the MET: Art of Native America: The Charles and Valerie Diker Collection in the Museum’s American Wing. This exhibit showcases 116 Native American masterworks from artists spanning 50+ cultures across the continent. The evening was a grand success displaying the virtuosity, range and vibrancy of the Canadian Indigenous music scene in Canada to a full house audience and celebrated the wide range of contemporary Canadian Indigenous music, featuring Cree and Dene rock musician, Iskwé, Inuk pop singer, Elisapie, and Mohawk DJ and music producer, DJ Shub performing with hoop dancer, James Jones. It was presented as part of the Mondo.NYC 2018 Festival and METLIVEARTS programming in conjunction with The Met’s new exhibition: Art of Native America: The Charles and Valerie Diker Collection. At the reception, Sandra Jackson-Dumont (Chairman of Education of the Met), and HOM/Phyllis Yaffe delivered opening remarks to 150 high-level guests before welcoming them to preview the art exhibition and to meet the three different indigenous artists and their bands as well and join several hundred more concertgoers for a short talk back on stage and performances by the artists in the Met’s Auditorium. Performance available for replay on You Tube here